Five Brand New AI Websites That Will Blow Your Mind

Five Brand New AI Websites That Will Blow Your Mind

These five brand new AI websites are going to blow your mind. There have been hundreds of new AI websites coming out every single month. I’ve tested hundreds of them over the last year and these are five brand new ones that you probably haven’t heard of yet but are incredibly useful. By the end of this article, you’re going to be using at least one of these every day.

The first website is, the ultimate AI tool for building presentations. It can help you create a lot of different things and is really powerful. You can use Tome for free and it has a lot of great templates. It also has features like prompt writing tips, record narrations, and set themes. You can even generate a pitch deck by just typing in specific details.

The next website is, a tool for repurposing videos. You can record one video and then clone your voice and sync your lips to repurpose it a million different times. It’s great for sales and marketing purposes.

Another useful website is, which generates responses to tweets and LinkedIn posts using AI. It’s a fast and easy way to engage with your audience.

Dr. is a chatbot trained on medical history. It can provide personalized medical advice and answer your questions. It’s like having a conversation with a real doctor.

Lastly, there’s, your personal assistant for Zoom meetings. It records and transcribes your meetings, making it easy to find notes and important information later.

I hope you find these websites helpful. Let me know which ones you’ll be using on a daily basis. And if you want more useful AI websites, stay tuned!

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